How To Safely Manage Your International Banking Account

International banking provides many benefits. Find out how to create and manage an offshore bank account to begin reaping the benefits.
International Bank Accounts

If you’ve already heard of international banking, you may picture wealthy people putting their money aside for suspicious business. Well, the truth is quite different. Estimations suggest that 26.2 million American citizens have offshore accounts, meaning that there are more than a few reasons for storing your money across the borders.

International Bank Accounts                                                                                             Photo by Ibrahim Boran on Unsplash                    


International banking entails a banking institution located outside the client’s homeland, most commonly in remote countries like Belize, Cyprus, or Seychelles. Some of the advantages of opening international banking accounts include certain tax benefits, a higher level of privacy and security of your assets, and more investment opportunities. Bonus tends to be higher interest rates than those in your home country.


Contrary to popular opinion, offshore accounts aren’t reserved for rich people only – basically, anyone can open their international banking account in less than a few minutes. However, these accounts are most commonly opened by expats and people working abroad since they tend to be much more convenient while crossing borders.


The days when you had to travel to a distant part of the world to set up an offshore account are long gone. Now, the internet made international banking easy and accessible to anyone. However, with internet transactions comes an added security concern as well. Here are some helpful tips for properly securing your accounts and credentials.

1. Familiarize yourself with the host country’s banking system

Before opening an account and transferring your assets, make sure to fully understand the host country’s banking system. From payment methods and money transfer fees to different services unique to specific banking institutions, the list of items to pick up on is a lengthy one.

2. Use a VPN

Even though most international banking institutions have resilient security mechanisms and quite advanced privacy standards, you should always make sure to keep your data protected from potential intruders. Hence, an excellent addition to every security plan is a VPN service. You can easily protect your accounts by downloading a VPN on your device, click here to find out more about VPNs A Virtual Private Network will cipher all the data in traffic, including your banking account credentials, and make it resistant to potential cyber-attacks.

3. Disable automatic login

Letting your browser store your banking account information can quickly turn into a data breach, considering that the number of browser-based cyber-attacks has been on the rise for quite some time. Thus, make sure to disable automatic login before making any online transaction or managing your banking account.

4. Entrust your credentials with a password manager

People aren’t very efficient in creating and memorizing passwords. Therefore, using a password manager to keep your credentials strong and well-protected tends to be an excellent choice. Furthermore, most password managers generate, store, and manage passwords, but some store other sensitive data like credit card information, personal identification numbers, and other valuable credentials. If you’re planning on managing your assets online, make sure to choose this kind of manager. 

In this day and age, creating and managing an international banking account is not that hard, and it comes with a fair share of benefits. But, before making any big decisions, make sure to do proper and thorough research and consult with a financial expert and tax professional.





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